
07935 917 025
Plant descriptions - Q to Z
Quercus robur ENGLISH OAK native of Europe this deciduous oak is most valuable as a framework tree in heavy clay soils, tolerant of acid and alkaline soils. Fast growing. Hardy. Plant in full sun or part shade. Height at maturity 35m (105ft).AGM.
Quercus rubra RED OAK native of E. N.America grows well on all soils inc. light sandy ones, tolerant of air pollution. It has a short straight clean bole with regular spacing of branches to form a dome. Brilliant autumn colour of bright red when young, whilst yellow, brown on older trees. Fast growing. Hardy. Plant in full sun or part shade. Height at maturity 30m (90ft).AGM.
Rhododendrons in variety
Anna Baldseifen - pretty pink and white flowers. Dwarf Rhodo.
Bergie Larson – a dwarf evergreen with red buds opening into trusses of 12 with ornge-yellow inside
Betty Womald – a medium sized evergreen shrub with pink with light purple blotch in large conical trusses
Blue Peter – evergreen shrub with large leaves. Clusters of funnel shaped, lavender blue flowers with frilled petals and purple marks in throat from May to June. AGM.
Bruce Brechtbill – a low growing evergreen with glossy elliptical leaves with open pale pink funnel shaped trusses borne in ball shaped trusses
Carmen – a dwarf evergreen with waxy campanulate dark red flowers borne in loose trusses of 2-5
Chikor – a dwarf evergreen with small dark leaves, bronze tinted in winter. Clusters of pretty clear yellow flowers in mid spring. Height and spread 2ft. Flowers from April to May.
Clipinense – a compact evergreen shrub. Clusters of funnel shaped pale to mid pink flowers in early spring. Height and spread 3ft *3ft. Flowering March to April. AGM.
Crane – a semi dwarf evergreen with yellow buds opening a creamy yellow in trusses of 3
Curlew – a dwarf evergreen shrub with small dark leaves. Clusters of bright yellow flowers spotted greenish brown inside the throat. Height and spread 2ft. Flowering from April to May. AGM,
Dormouse – a semi dwarf evergreen with campanulate delicate pink flowers held in loose trusses
Egret – a dwarf rhododendron with small white bell like flowers in loose trusses of 2-6. Leaves small dark and shiny. AGM.
El camino – a tall evergreen with open funnel shaped pinkish red flowers with red blotch in a rounded truss
Fabia - a medium sized evergreen shrub with salmon orange flowers in loose trusses of 7-10
Fastuosum Flore Pleno – a tall evergreen shrub with double flowered lavender blue flowers with darker spotting borne in open trusses of 15-17
Furnivals Daughter – an upright evergreen shrub with clusters of funnel shaped, bright pink flowers, with a dark speckled mark in the throat in late spring and early summer. Height and spread 9ft * 9ft. AGM.
Garden Director Glocker – a compact, small, domed evergreen shrub, with deep rose red funnel shaped flowers in loose trusses from April to May.
Golden Gate – a compact semi dwarf rhododendron with star shaped reddish pink flowers, with orange edges and golden yellow throat.
Goldkrone – intense golden yellow flowers lightly spotted ruby red
Gomer waterer – a compact evergreen shrub with clusters of white flowers opening from lilac pink buds flushed mauve-pink at the margins and a bold yellow flare in the throat in late spring. Flowers from May to June. AGM.
Grace Seabrook – an evergreen shrub with deep blood red flowers paling towards the margins. Flowers from March to May.
Gristede – a dwarf rhododendron with funnel shaped violet blue flowers. Flowering from March to April.
Horizon Monarch – a tall evergreen with open shaped yellow flowers and small vivid flare
Hotei – a dense evergreen shrub with clusters of deep yellow flowers from April to May. Height and spread 6ft * 6ft. AGM.
Impeditum - blue flowers and small grey-green leaves. Very compact. Excellent plant for the rock garden. Height and spread 1ft * 1ft
Impeditum Blue Steel – blue flowers, blue-steel leaves.Alpine
Impeditum Indigo – deep purple flowers
Jean M de Montague – a medium sized shrub with frilly edged crimson flowers in round trusses of up to 14 flowers
Lem’s Monarch – a large evergreen shrub, flowers are pale pink fading to white edged with pink in large conical trusses. AGM.
Linda – open rose pink flowers in upright trusses of 7-8. Dense rounded habit, low growing.
Loch Rannoch – a compact free flowering shrub with yellow flowers with red throat in lax trusses of 11-17
Lord Roberts – evergreen shrub with clusters of funnel shaped, dark crimson flowers with dark markings inside the throat from may to june. Height and spread 6ft * 5ft.
Madame Masson – a medium sized evergreen with star shaped white flowers with golden yellow blotch
Markeetas Prize - a medium to large sized evergreen with scarlet flowers and darker spots in large flat toped trusses. AGM.
Miss Kitty – low growing evergreen with large funnel shaped conical trusses of pastel pink flowers with dark maroon throat. Fragrant
Moerheim - a dwarf evergreen with dark green leaves turning maroon in winter. Clusters of violet blue funnel shaped flowers from April to May. Height and spread 2ft * 2ft. AGM.
Mrs Furnival – low growing evergreen with wide funnel shaped rose pink flowers paler at the centre and conspicuous red blotch in trusses of 12-14. A slow growing compact plant.
Mrs.Betty Robertson - attractive flowers of pale yellow flushed cream with red speckling in the throat. Free flowering. Height and spread 5ft * 5ft.
Nancy Evans – a semi dwarf evergreen with open funnelled yellow flowers borne in ball shaped trusses of 19
Night Sky - semi dwarf evergreen with violet blue flowers in trusses of about 5. Leaves small. A compact plant.
Oudjik’s Sensation - a small evergreen shrub foliage becoming bronze tinged in winter. Bright pink bell shaped flowers are borne in open flat topped trusses. Flowering May to June.
Patty Bee – a dwarf evergreen leaves turning bronze purple in winter. Clusters of broadly funnel shaped clear pale yellow flowers from April to May. Height and spread 2ft * 2ft. AGM.
Princess Anne – a semi dwarf evergreen with bell like yellow flowers in trusses of 4-10
Point Defiance – Tall evergreen with pink edged white flowers in compact trusses
Ptarmigan – dwarf evergreen with clusters of pure white funnel shaped flowers from April to May. Height and spread 2-3 ft. AGM.
Rampapo – dwarf evergreen with clusters of beautiful funnel shaped violet blue flowers produced in abundance during April and May. Height and spread 2ft * 2ft. AGM.
Rubicon – a medium sized evergreen with cardinal red flowers in trusses of 17-18
Sacko – one of the best new dwarf blues. Flowers blue-purple on compact plant. Healthy foliage free of leaf spotting.Height and spread 2ft * 2ft.
Scarlet Wonder – a semi dwarf evergreen with clusters bright scarlet red flowers from April to May. Height and spread 4ft * 4ft. AGM.
Scintillation – medium sized evergreen with purple pink flowers in ball shaped trusses
September Song – orange flowers
Snow Lady – a semi dwarf evergreen with clusters of pure white funnel shaped flowers from March to May. Height and spread 3ft * 3ft. AGM.
Swamp Beauty – lilac flowers with maroon spotting and blotch.
Swift – a dwarf evergreen with clusters of yellow flowers with red spotting.
Taurus – a large evergreen shrub with vivid red wide funnel shaped flowers with frilly margins borne in large rounded trusses from May to June. AGM.
Tessa – a dwarf evergreen shrub with spotted lilac pink flowers in loose trusses
Tree Creeper – a dwarf evergreen with pink flowers cream on the inside in trusses of 2-4. Dense compact habit.
Unique – clusters of creamy white funnel shaped flowers from May to June. Height and spread 6ft * 6ft. AGM.
Wee Bee – a compact dwarf rhododendron with pink open funnel shaped flowers in lax trusses of 3-5 flowers. Dark pink on the outside with red rays down each lobe. Very free flowering.
Wren – a semi dwarf rhododendron with yellow pink spotted flowers borne in tight trusses of 3-5. Leaves turn bronze in autumn. Slow growing with a prostate habit
Yellow Hammer – an erect evergreen shrub with tight clusters of tubular canary yellow flowers in spring and again in autumn. Height and spread 4ft * 4ft. AGM.
Yakushimum spp – apple blossom pink flowers
Yak Amity - a semi dwarf rhododendron with dense compact habit. Flowers are rose pink fading to dark pink with red spotting in trusses.
Yak Caroline Allbrook – a semi dwarf evergreen with frilly edged lavender flowers paler at the centre in trusses of 16-20
Yak Dreamland – abundant trusses of funnel shaped soft pink flowers from May to June. Height and spread 4ft * 4ft.
Yak Fantastica – a semi dwarf rhododendron with pink flowers fading to white in the centre in trusses of approximately 20. Upright habit.
Yak Golden Torch – a semi dwarf rhododendron with pale yellow flowers fading to cream in ball shaped trusses. Medium sized leaves. A compact plant. AGM.
Yak Golden Wedding – a compact upright evergreen shrub with clusters of soft yellow flowers opening from salmon pink buds. Flowers from May to June Height and spread 5ft * 5ft.
Yak Hoppy – beautiful trusses of funnel shaped lilac flowers spotted yellow and produced in abundance from May to June. Height and spread 5ft * 5ft.
Yak Hydon Dawn – a very compact evergreen shrub with clusters of frilly pale pink flowers from April to June. Height and spread 5ft * 5ft. AGM.
Yak Incense – semi dwarf evergreen with deep pink buds opening to yellowish white flowers with some spotting, borne in domed shaped trusses of 14 flowers.
Yak Mardi Gras - semi dwarf evergreen with pale pinkish flowers fading to white in ball shaped trusses of 11-12
Yak Percy Wiseman – a compact evergreen shrub with clusters of funnel shaped peach-pink and cream flowers fading to creamy white with green markings from April to May. Height and spread 6ft * 6ft. AGM.
Yak Pink Cherub – a vigorous compact, evergreen with large funnel shaped whitish purple flowers with wavy margins, borne in large rounded trusses. AGM.
Yak Silver Sixpence – beautiful trusses of funnel shaped creamy white flowers spotted lemon yellow and produced in abundance from May to June. Height and spread 3ft * 3ft. AGM.
Yak Solidarity – flowers light red with paler throat fading to pink with red spots on the dorsal lobe in dome shaped trusses of 12-13
Yak Surrey Heath – beautiful trusses of funnel shaped pale rose pink flowers produced in abundance from May to June. Height and spread 4ft * 4ft. AGM.
Yak Titian Beauty – a semi dwarf evergreen with red wavy edged petals borne on long pedicels in an open but rounded truss
Yak yaku Incense – semi dwarf with domed shaped trusses of 14 white flowers
Yak yaku Prince - Purplish pink flowers with paler blotch and dark orange red spotting. Height and spread 3ft * 3ft.
Rhus aromatica LEMON SUMACH native to North America this deciduous shrub has palmate leaves and oval toothed leaflets, with small yellow flowers borne in panicles in spring followed by red fruits. Height and spread at maturity 5ft * 5ft.
Rhus glabra laciniata SCARLET SUMACH a bushy shrub native to America has bronze coloured stems with a white bloom, whilst finely cut pinnate leaves in deep blue-green leaflets turning rich red in autumn. Dense upright panicles of reddish green flowers followed by rounded crimson hairy fruits. Height and spread 8ft * 8ft.
Rhus potaninii native to western China this rounded deciduous tree has dark green pinnate leaves and up to 11 oblong leaflets turning red in autumn. Drooping panicles of creamy flowers in summer followed by red fruits. Height and spread 30ft * 20ft.
Rhus typhina STAG HORN SUMACH is a deciduous tree late into leaf but early to colour in autumn turning orange then red, bearing clusters of red fruit in autumn. Height at maturity 5m (15ft).Recommended for small gardens. - Dissecta has deeply incised leaves.
Rhus verniciflua VARNISH TREE native of E.Asia this luxuriantly large foliaged deciduous tree with leaves turning yellow, red and crimson in autumn. Hardy. Height at maturity 15m (45ft). Suitable for medium to large gardens.
Ribes sanguinium - Pulborough Scarlet deciduous shrub with dark green 3 or 5 lobed leaves.Pendulous racemes of red flowers in spring. Followed by blue black fruits. Height and spread at maturity 10ft * 10ft.AGM..
Ribes - King Edward VII an upright deciduous shrub to 2m tall, with lobed, aromatic leaves and deep red flowers in drooping racemes in spring, followed by white-bloomed, black berries
Ribes x gordonianum a deciduous shrub with aromatic leaves, and nodding clusters of coppery red and yellow flowers in late spring.
Robinia pseudacacia FALSE ACACIA, LOCUST TREE native of E.United states is a large fast growing tree with pendulous attractive leaflets and fragrant sprays of pea like flowers in June. Tolerant of the poorest soils and atmospheric pollution. Height at maturity 25m (75ft). Cultivar - Frisia has bright golden foliage and is thornless.AGM. - Casque Rouge a medium sized tree with clusters of deep pink flowers. Grows to approx 30ft.
Salix caprea Kilmarnock a small weeping tree with elliptic green leaves turning yellow in autumn and grey felted catkins in spring. Winter shoots yellow.
Sambucus nigra COMMON ELDER deciduous native shrub. Large heads of scented white flowers followed by black fruits. Height up to 30ft. Spread up to 20ft. - Black Beauty a compact, deciduous shrub or tree with dark purple-black leaves, flat heads of pink flowers in early summer and dark purple-black berries in autumn. - Black Lace dark purple almost black dissected foliage and creamy clusters of pink flowers from May to June and red berries in autumn. Grows to 9ft. - Thunder Cloud chocolate coloured leaves with large clusters of pinkish white flowers in summer. Growing to 8ft * 8ft.
Schisandra chinensis a vigorous woody climber from China bears cream to pale pink ¾ inch flowers. Whilst the female will produce 6 inch long drooping spikes of red or pink berries. Prefer moist soils and some protection from the midday sun. Grow to 30ft * 20ft.
Skimmia japonica a dense medium sized shrub with leathery leaves and fragrant white flowers borne in panicles in spring followed by clusters of red globular berries. - Rubella a small, male variety with dark-green leaves edged in red and attractive flower buds, which appear in autumn and winter, opening into scented flowers in spring. - Rubinetta abundant red flower buds during autumn and winter. Require humous rich acidic, well drained soil. Tolerant of shade.
Skimmia x confuse - Kew Green a small evergreen shrub with shiny dark green aromatic leaves. In spring it bears larges clusters of green tinted, yellow flowers. This cultivar does not produce berries.
Skimmia japonica
Sorbaria aitchinsonnii FALSE SPIREA this attractive deciduous shrub native to Asia is grown for both attractive foliage, and large panicles of white flowers in spring. Grows to approx 6ft * 6ft.
Sorbus - Joseph Rock a hybrid Rowan growing to 20-30ft with deeply incised bipinnate leaves which turn shades of red, orange and yellow in autumn.are cream coloured turning yellow.Hieght and spread 30ft * 20ft.
Sorbus aucuparia - Asplenifolia cut leaf form grows to 40ft * 15ft. - Beissneri incised fern like leaves. Grows to 25ft * 12ft. - Rossica major clusters of dark red fruits. Growing to approx 40ft. - Sheerwater Seedling an upright small tree with a compact head of ascending branches. Large clusters of orange red fruits. AGM.Growing to approx 40ft.
Sorbus cashmiriana a small open tree with compound leaves consisting of 17-19 strongly serrated leaflets. Flowers soft pink in spring followed by large white shiny fruits which persist long after leaf fall. AGM. Ultimate height and spread 25ft * 20ft.
Sorbus conmixta JAPANESE ROWAN attractive pinnate leaves with 15 leaflets opening bronze, turning a light green, yellow to red in autumn. Flowers white, fruits yellow. Height and spread at maturity 30ft * 20ft. - Embley a small tree with outstanding autumn colour with heavy bunches of orange red fruits. AGM.
Sorbus hupehensis native of China this Rowan has bipinnate leaves dark green above lighter below turning hues of pink then eventually red. White flowers are borne in spring followed by white berries which mature pink. Height and spread at maturity 30ft * 20ft.
Sorbus intermedia SWEDISH WHITEBEAM native of Europe this hardy conical tree having shallowly lobed green leaves, white beneath turning yellow in Autumn, white flowers in spring and red fruits in autumn. Hardy and tolerant of chalk soils. Plant in full sun or part shade. Height at maturity 15m (45ft).
Sorbus torminalis WILD SERVICE TREE leaves bright green, simple with pronounced lobes. Red autumn colour. Lax clusters of white flowers in spring, olive brown fruits in autumn.Height and spread at maturity 50ft * 25ft.
Sorbus vilmorinii a small tree native of China with serrated pinnate leaves and loose open flower clusters with pink frui. Grows to20ft.
Sorbus x arnoldiana - Golden Wonder a medium sized tree similar to s.aucuparia but with smaller darker leaves clusters of small cream flower heads followed by golden yellow fruits. Growing to approx 35-40ft. - Kirsten Pink white flowers followed by pink berries. Grows to approx 15ft with semi upright habit. - Schouten a small tree with a dense oval crown followed by golden yellow berries. Grows to 25-30ft
Spirea Arguta a dense deciduous shrub with thin branches and small oval leaves with dense clusters of white flowers along the branches in spring. Grows to 6ft * 4ft.
Spirea Firelight a bushy deciduous shrub to 3-4ft tall, with ovate leaves that open dull red to bronze, changing to green in summer and reddish-purple in autumn; small rosy-pink flowers open in clusters in summer
Spirea Goldflame small toothed bronze red young leaves which turn yellow then mid green. In late summer it will also be adorned with clusters of pink flowers.
Spirea japonica Shirobana a compact deciduous shrub with a clumping habit. Sharply toothed leaves are deep green on top, grayish-green below, lance-shaped, to 3 inches long, persistent into fall, and almost evergreen in warmer climates of the south. In summer, showy, white and pink flowers are borne prolifically in upright, rounded corymbs to 4 inches in diamter.
Spriea Snowmound a spreading medium-sized deciduous shrub with arching branches bearing small obovate leaves and short lateral shoots ending in rounded clusters, to 4cm in width, of small white flowers in Summer
Stewartia pseudocamellia JAPANESE STEWARTIA flowering in spring with golden yellow anthers, the bark is freely flaking reddish brown colour, whilst the leaves turn a brilliant crimson red in autumn. Can grow up to 50ft but often considerably smaller with a spread of up to 15ft.
Stewartia sinensis CHINESE STEWARTIA flowering in spring with golden yellow anthers, the bark is freely flaking reddish brown colour, whilst the leaves turning purple red in autumn. Smaller then the Japanese Stewartia only growing up to a maximum of 30ft and spread of 20ft.
Styrax japonica JAPANESE SNOWBELL a deciduous tree from Japan, lightly branched with dark green shallowly toothed leaves. Short pendulous flower clusters are produced in late spring to early summer. Height and spread at maturity 30ft * 15ft. AGM.
Styrax obassia FRAGRANT SNOWBELL native of Japan, Korea and China this deciduous, with unusual leaves and drooping spikes of white flowers in spring and early summer. Hardy, fast growing this tree is best grown in lime free soil. Tolerant of light, to high shade. Height at maturity 12m (25ft). Suitable for small gardens. AGM.
Syringa - Viviand Morel a spreading shrub with clusters of fragrant, double, mauve pink flowers from creamy buds in late spring and early summer.Growing to approx 8ft. - Primrose pale cream yellow, fragrant. Growing to 10ft * 10ft. - Miss Kim strongly fragrant cultivar bears single light purple flowers in mid- to late season, and it exhibits maroon autumn foliage. It forms a compact shrub 8ft high by 8ft wide.
Syringa microphylla - Superba a bushy shrub with dark glossy leaves and clusters of fragrant rose-pink flowers in late spring and early summer. Height and spread 18ft * 18ft.
Taxodium distichum SWAMP CYPRESS native of S.E. United States this deciduous conifer has bright fresh green needles borne in flattened sprays which darken through the growing season to turn a fox red colour in late autumn. Planted near water they form air roots. Plant in full sun or part shade. Height at maturity 30m (90ft). AGM.
Taxus baccata COMMON YEW native of Europe, Africa and W.Asia this evergreen is extremely tolerant of shade, clipping and shaping. Very slow growing and capable of living for hundreds of years this tree rarely grows over 20m (60ft). Tolerant of chalk clay or sand, damp or dry soils. Berries are only produced when both male and female plants within proximity. The foliage and fruits of these plants are extremely toxic.AGM. - Standishii female,golden leaves and columnar habit.
Tilia cordata SMALL LEAVED LIME native of western Europe and Asia has dainty heart shaped leaves dark green above and pale below, whilst in winter red-brown shoots and shiny ovoid buds which forms a dense tracery is an attractive feature. Flowering in mid-summer with dense sprays of small star like ivory flowers. Tolerant of atmospheric pollution. Native to Limestone areas the tree will grow in any deep soil provided it is not too acidic. Height at maturity 30m (90ft). AGM.
Vaccinium corymbosum - Goldtraube deciduous shrub growing to 6ft, clusters of white flowers in spring followed by edible blue black berries. Spectacular winter stem colour.
Viburnum Eskimo a small evergreen shrub with leathery leaves and compact white flower heads in mid spring. Grows to 5ft * 5ft.
Viburnum lantana WAYFARING TREE a small deciduous tree or shrub with dull green oval leaves turning red in autumn, creamy white flowers are borne in terminal clusters, followed by red fruits which mature to black. Prefer alkaline soils. Height and spread at maturity15ft * 12ft.
Viburnum opulus GEULDER ROSE this deciduous shrub is grown for it’s bright red fruits in autumn, clusters of small creamy white flowers in summer, with large maple like leaves producing good autumn colour. Height and spread after 5 yrs 5ft * 5ft. Grow in full sun or light shade. Tolerant of chalk soils. Native. Good for wildlife. - Roseum showy snowball like greenish white flower clusters in mid spring with the leaves. AGM.
Viburnum plicatum - Pink Sensation JAPANESE SNOWBALL from Japan and China these spreading shrubs have pleated green leaves turning burgundy in autumn has showy pom-pom like flowers in late spring to early summer followed by small red fruits. Growing to 8ft * 8ft. - Newport a dense mounded shrub with deep green leaves turning a stunning burgundy in autumn, long lasting white flowers from late spring. Grows to 4ft * 6ft.
Viburnum tinus - Gwenillian a bushy medium-sized evergreen shrub with neat, dark green, ovate leaves and compact clusters of starry white flowers opening in late winter from reddish buds, and followed by ovoid metallic-blue berries
Viburnum x bodnantense - Charles Lamont large deciduous shrub with oval mid green veined leaves with persistent large pink flowers during late autumn and spring on bare wood.Grows to 9ft * 6ft.
Weigela florida WEIGELA deciduous shrub from East Asia has large oblong serrated leaves with funnel shaped white to pink flowers from spring to summer. Hardy. Plant in full sun. Height and spread at maturity 8 ft by 8ft. - Monet low growing shrub with variegated green, pink and white leaves and funnel shaped dark pink flowers. Height and spread 2ft * 2ft.
Hybrid cultivars ranging in height and width from 5-8ft to 5-12ft
Bristol Ruby carmine red flowers. 6ft * 6ft.
Candida vivid green leaves with bell shaped white flowers. 8ft * 8ft.
Nana Purpurea a small shrub growing to 3 ft with dark brown leaves and purple funnel shaped flowers
Nana Variegata cream edged variegated leaves with rich pink flower trumpets. 4ft * 4ft.
Wisteria floribunda - macrobotrys JAPANESE WISTERIA a twining climber with long leaves and 11-19 pointed oval leaflets. Extremely long pendulous racemes of light purple flowers. Height and spread at maturity 25ft * 25ft.AGM.
Weigela follis - Purpureus a small, deciduous shrub with purple-tinged leaves and clusters of pink flowers in spring and summer.
Wisteria floribunda - Shironoda (syn. Alba)JAPANESE WISTERIA a twining climber with long leaves and 11-19 pointed oval leaflets. Long pendulous racemes of 100 or more scented white flowers. Height and spread at maturity 25ft * 25ft. AGM.
Wisteria sinensis - Prolific CHINESE WISTERIA a fast growing climber native to China with long leaves with 7-13 pointed leaflets, with strongly scented pendulous racemes of lavender and purple blue flowers. Height and spread at maturity 35ft * 35ft.

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